Ten reporters from Slovenia, Serbia and Croatia spent a week at an intensive audio storytelling workshop in Planica. Listen to the stories they produced. The recording is from the Listening event at the Avdiofestival.

Deset novinarjev iz Slovenija, Srbije in Hrvaške je preživelo teden dni na intenzivni radijski delavnici v Planici. Prisluhnite zgodbam, ki smo jih premierno predvajali na Avdiofestivalu.

00.18 Luka Skarlovnik - The Voice of Planica
06.40 Dejan Tomka - The Magical Instrument
17.35 Sara Zmrzlak - Peter Pan
27.06 Teja Klobčar - Dancing In the Factory
35.40 Vladimir Radinovič - Walk Through Ljubljana
43.05 Benjamin Jeram - Klemen and his dad
51.22 Mariša Bizjak - Flyfishing
1.00.18 Mario Kristanovič - Voices
1.09.28 Mojca Delač - Wind
1.19.30 Ajda Kus - Fairytale Land

Matej Praprotnik